
Big green egg heat deflector
Big green egg heat deflector

big green egg heat deflector


In daylight, birds crash into windows because they see reflections of vegetation or see through the glass to potted plants or vegetation on the other side. There are two main types of window collisions: daytime and nighttime. He writes, “Glass is an indiscriminate killer that takes the fit as well as the unfit of a species’ population.” Why Birds Collide With Windows The window imprint left by a Mourning Dove. Daniel Klem of Muhlenberg College has researched this issue since the 1970s. Many times these birds die later from internal bleeding or bruising, especially on the brain. All I'm saying is that at on a low and slow (sub-250F), it really doesn't matter if you're in the notches or not because there is barely any airflow going into the firebox to begin with.What happens to birds that hit windows? Sadly, the bird often dies, even when it is only temporarily stunned and manages to fly away. In the end, it's going to make a difference what everyone's particular set up is, the outside air temp, and how big the piece of meat is because of the evaporation. If it is in fact only a 1/4" gap, that max temp number is going to be lower, but if you have that 1/4", 360 degrees a 16" stone, I imagine you can still go to at least 300F, right? If I want to do a spatchcocked chicken, pizza, or something indirect at 400+, I can get to higher, temps and faster, going legs down since the PS isn't acting as a restrictor plate. I have one of the older ones where there's at least a 3/4" gap.I can easily get 350F+ with it still in the notches. Now once you pass a certain temp you might have to take it out of the notches, or go legs down. I know that BGE has made that gap smaller over the years, but on a low and slow, as long as it's larger than the air in or exhaust out, it really shouldn't be hampering anything. Yes the smaller the gap, the longer it takes, but the temp difference is very small in this case. chimney cap.) The air flow will transfer the heat in this case, not just by radiating heat through the wall. To your analogy on the house, the room isn't closed off though, there is an opening and the only cold air return is in that room (i.e. The fire is not trying to push the heat 's getting pulled through via the flue action and heat rising. Similar to why a closed off room in the dead of winter is colder than the rest of the open house.

big green egg heat deflector

The energy consumption under the indirect piece is one of the reasons why we measure temperature above the heat deflector. How hard do you think a fire would have to work to push heat through a 1/4" x 3" gap between the indirect piece and fire ring to get the grill stabilized with the dome thermometer at 250☏. Space around the indirect piece does matter, it's the difference between drawing/rolling heat around a deflector vs.

big green egg heat deflector

Once you start getting up to higher temps, then that flue action does make a difference. Look at how much the damper and lower vents are open, then compare it to the amount of open space around that plate setter.the space around the PS is 20x. Unless you're running 350F+, that difference in space means nothing.

big green egg heat deflector

When I do whole turkey I have the roast pan sitting on PS with spacers, sans grid. Headroom is usually not important to me since I seldom do multi level cook. More often than not I have the PS out of the notches. I know btu is btu, but in my simplistic thinking I feel more air flow = more fuel efficient.

Big green egg heat deflector